If you’re planning on scattering your loved one’s ashes as part of a memorial service, or to fulfill their wish of being laid to rest in a particular location, you don’t need any sort of permanent urn. Instead, you would have the cremains placed in a scattering tube to secure transport to the location of the scattering. Scatter Tube OptionsCremains are generally placed in one large scattering tube. However, if you have multiple individuals interested in participating in the scattering of ashes, you can choose to divide the cremains into a number of smaller tubes. Helpful Tips for Scattering AshesScattering tubes are made to facilitate the transfer of ashes safely. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to assure a smooth transition. ● When removing the lid to your scattering tube, and particularly when punching open the inner seal, be sure to have the tube opening pointed away from you and other people. This avoids the possibility of a puff of ashes getting in someone’s eyes. ● Make sure to test the wind direction prior to scattering ashes into the open air. You want to make certain you scatter the ashes in the right direction so that they’re carried away from you, as opposed to getting blown back at you. ● The same thought should be put into a beach scattering. You want to wait until the tide is going out so that your loved one's ashes are carried out to sea, instead of pushed back up onto the beach. ● Choose a scattering location that isn’t downwind of any area where the ashes could disturb other people. ● If your chosen location makes it difficult to avoid this possibility, consider scattering the ashes directly onto the ground, or into a shallow hole, where they can be buried. |